Strategy & Business Model MenüPublicationsSpeechesSeminarsWorkshops Interview with M. Işık Deliorman, Founder and CEO of Novida Global, now airing on BR TV Navigating the Strategic Landscape Effectively Innovative Strategies Workshop Workshops by Novida Global Scenario Thrive: Business Resilience Innovative Strategies As We Say “We’re Doing Well,” What If Our Competitors Are Doing Much Better Than Us? How Much Autonomy Do We Have in Our Strategic Choices? The Acceptable Strategy We Live in a Realm of ‘And’s’! Are Your Options Ready? The ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ Strategic Positioning: Our Stakeholders and Value Chain Analysis Strategic Positioning: Competitive Environment Strategic Positioning: Competition and Customer Segmentation Strategic Positioning: Construing the Industrial Dynamics Strategic Positioning: The Relationship Between The Industry Life Cycle and The Competition Business (Go-To-Market) Model Workshop Speaking of Strategy… Engaging and Agile Strategies Designing a Business Model with Solid Feet on the Ground Whilst Speaking of ‘We’re Doing Fine!’, What If ‘the Competitors Are Doing Much Better’? Marketing Strategy Workshop Strategy Workshops Strategic Planning Workshop Blue Ocean© Strategy Workshop Strategic Design Workshop Strategic Analysis Workshop